Crouching tiger, flying guido.

Week two is underway, one full, double session day down. Took the morning session off today to drink coffee, listen to music, and remind my body that I am not actually trying to completely destroy it.

This is Kong's back. And that's his stick.

This is Kong's back. And that's his stick.

This is Kong's world. I'm just a guido trying to survive in it.

I got to work with a couple new trainers this week as my experience level has now bumped up a hair. This means I was awarded the honor of learning from the man they call Kong. Not intimidating at all, I know. He is a mix between an NFL running back and a NYC apartment size refrigerator. Usually the loudest and most animated trainer in the gym, he isn't afraid to shout you out for lacking technique. Enter the guy from Queens who is here to make friends and work on his abs. I do believe I now hold the title for getting the most animated display of the week out of good 'ol Kong. Patting myself on the back as I type this.

We were doing pad work, and he was giving me specific and awesome feedback on form and balance. I was feeling good, looking good, smelling interesting. Then came the front kicks. This is when you simply take a step forward and kick straight into the abdomen of your opponent with the other leg. Straight, smooth. powerful. This is the moment I realized my dance background wanted to join the Muay Thai party. I seemed to really want to add a hop and tiny jump into the kick. Would have looked dope to the right song though, i'm telling you! Kong didn't seem to see my vision. He laughed at first. Gave me a confused look. Asked me to do it a few more times. Told me to stop jumping.  He gave me a few more chances before he found it justified to get the entire gym's attention.  He then ran around the gym flapping his arms yelling, "He wants to fly, he wants to fly!" I shant forget this lesson. I stopped jumping.



There are a few major points to think about when throwing a high kick:

  • Step to the side-   Sort of did this
  • Swing your same side arm out for momentum -   Nailed it
  • Turn out standing leg - Almost, but no
  • Elevate on ball of standing foot - Not even close
  •  Turn hip out-   Not this time
  • Guard your face with the opposite arm - Boom
  • Look at where you're kicking-   Nah, I'd rather look at the floor


We completed another 7k run yesterday morning and slowly but surely my stamina seems to be expanding. It only felt sort of horrible. Sweet!